The best and one of the main birding highlights this Spring were White Storks! We got a call about an enormous flock, and yes for Malta it was enormous!, circling over central Malta. Being in a valley we had little chance of seeing them, so we sprinted all the way to the end of the valley, anxiety making the longest run I've ever done to see a bird seem even longer! But on higher ground we spotted them, a cloud of soaring White Storks, something few of us ever immagined we would see in Malta. The largest so far was the flock seen last September of 28 birds. This was 204!!! We watched them the whole evening and when they flew towards the south of Malta where they roosted, passed quite close.

Of course in a country like Malta it was only to expected that a number of the birds would fall victims to poaching. We witnessed one majestic bird fall out fo the sky to a permanent roost in Malta while the flock flew over tal-Virtu area. A few others were seen shot that same evening and with first daylight the next morning. A clear evidence of the illegal shooting were the birds thatt remained to the following afternoon with gunshot wounds and dangling legs...